
Member Registration

Please indicate your mode of payment for our treasurer to follow up.
We do not accept any credit card payment.

For Bank Transfer:
Please make S$10.00 payment to Bank Account: UOB 9893408874 
Indicate under remark: “Name_Phone Number“.

支付 S$10.00 到 UOB 银行户头 9893408874 
备注栏里填上: “姓名和手机号码“.

For PayNow:
Please scan the QR code or to UEN : S96SS0083A and input amount of $10.00
Indicate under remark: “Name_Phone Number

PayNow 支付: 请扫码或输入 UEN : S96SS0083A 再输入金额 S$10.00

For Cheque Payment:
Please enclose cross cheque S$10.00 as Membership/Associate Membership Fee payable to “Tuan Mong Alumni Association
and mail to 
Tuan Mong Alumni Association
213 Kaki Bukit Ave 1
Shun Li Industrial Park
Singapore 416041

入会费 $10.00 之划线支票予 “ Tuan Mong Alumni Association”。
Tuan Mong Alumni Association
213 Kaki Bukit Ave 1
Shun Li Industrial Park
Singapore 416041

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