Ticket Application for Baby Hero Movie Premiere
感谢各位老师/校友们的热烈支持,今年贺岁电影【被逼英雄】首映会门票申请活动已经结束,所有门票已经全部送出。成功获得电影戏票的申请者将会在数天后收到来自 admin@tuanmongalumni.org 的电子邮件通知,敬请留意查收。如果未收到电邮,说明您迟到一步,那就下回请趁早,继续加油支持哦,谢谢大家!
Thanks to all the teachers and alumni for your enthusiastic support. The application for movie premiere tickets “Baby Hero” has been ended. Applicants who have successfully obtained the movie tickets will receive an email notification from admin@tuanmongalumni.org within the next few days, so please check it out. If you have not received the email, meaning you are too late, please come back earlier next time and continue to support us ya. Thank you!
Note: Due to the recent proliferation of fraudulent information, the movie tickets are given away for free without any fees and are not allowed to be sold exclusively. Teachers and alumni please be aware.
日期:2025年 1月 21日,星期二
Date: 21 January 2025, Tuesday
Time: 7:30pm
Venu: Shaw Theatres Lido
350 Orchard Road 5th, #6th Shaw House, 238868
注:首映会门票只开放给端蒙校友会会员/教职人员申请,非会员恕不受理。电影戏票将以先到先得方式送出,成功获得门票的申请者将会收到来自 admin@tuanmongalumni.org 的电子邮件通知。另外,每人只限申请一次。谢谢!
Note: Movie Premiere ticket is only open to all members, teachers and staffs of Tuan Mong Alumni Association. Non-members should not apply. Movie premiere tickets will be distributed on a first-come first-served basis. Successful applications will be notified via email from admin@tuanmongalumni.org. Each person can only apply once.